
Axial muscle activation provides stabilization against perturbations while running

A.M. Boyton, T. E. Truong, N. Luttmer, A. Merryweather, M.A. Minor, D. Carrier  
Human Movement Science 89 2023, [pdf]


Evaluating the Effect of Multi-sensory Stimulation on Startle Response using the Virtual Reality Locomotion Interface MS.TPAWT

T. E. Truong, N. Luttmer, E. Eshete,A . Zaki, D. Greer, E. Eshete, B. Stewart, C. Gregory, S. Chesebrough, Y. Wang, M.A. Minor 
MDPI 2022, [pdf]

Impactful Robots: Evaluating Visual and Audio Warnings to Help Users Brace for Impact in Human Robot Interaction

N. Luttmer, T. E. Truong, A.M. Boyton, A. Merryweather, D. Carrier, M.A. Minor,  


Optimization of a Soft Robotic Bladder Array for Dissipating High Impact Loads: an Initial Study in Designing a Smart Helmet

J. Aston, N. Benko, T.E. Truong, A. Zaki, N. Olsen, E. Eshete, N. Luttmer, B. Coats, M.A. Minor
IEEE RoboSoft 2020, [pdf]


Augmenting Virtual Reality Terrain Display with Smart Shoe Physical Rendering: A Pilot Study

Y. Wang, T.E. Truong, S.W. Chesebrough, P. Willemsen, K.B Foreman, A.S. Merryweather, J.M. Hollerbach, MA. Minor
IEEE ToH 2020, [pdf]

Treadmill Based Three Tether Parallel Robot for Evaluating Auditory Warnings While Running

N.G. Luttmer, T.E. Truong , A.M. Boynton, D. Carrier , M.A. Minor
IEEE ICRA 2020, [pdf]


Autonomous Light Assessment Drone for Dark Skies Studies

M. Goodell, T.E. Truong, S. Marston, B. Smiley, E. Befus, A. Bingham, K. Allen, J. Bourne, Y. Wei, K. Magarga, V. Ganesan, D. Mendoza, A. Seth, S. Harwood, M. Bodson, K. Leang
ASME DSCC 2020, [pdf]


Rapid Quantification of Nanosphere Packing Defects Using Scanning Electron Microscopy Edge Effects

M. Bekeris, T.E. Truong, S. Carron, Z. Karimi, H. Feng, U. Nze, M. Beeman, R. Sochol, R. Warren
PSS RRL 2020, [pdf]